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福建华夏合成革有限公司是福鼎市人民政府2005年从温州招商引进的企业,坐落于龙安工业项目区,占地面积70亩,总投资1.2亿元。目前拥有先进的合成革湿法生产线三条、干法生产线二条和三版印刷、磨皮、 高级压纹、干揉纹、水揉纹等配套的后加工生产设备, 以及DMF废水、废气回收、锅炉脱硫等整套环保设施。 年产能力1500万米以上。
Fujian Huaxia Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd. was introduced to Long’an industrial park from Wenzhou city by Fuding goverment in the year of 2005. It takes up an area of 46600 ㎡ and its total investment is 120 millions RMB. At present we have advanced production lines, such as 3 wet method production lines, 2 dry method production lines and assorted post processing machines for three edition printing, grinding, advanced embossing, dry boarding grain, wet boarding grain and so on, as well as a completed environmental protection system for DMF waste water and waste air recycle, boiler for decoking. Our annual capacity is over 15 million meters.

公司现有员工300多人,专业技术人员占30%以上。 公司拥有各类先进开发、检测仪器的实验室。主要从 事研发、生产用于箱包、沙发、鞋类、服装、汽车内 饰等各类中、高档PU、半PU系列合成革。
By now our company have more than 260 employees,above 30% of those areprofessional technical staffs. We have Lab. with varies advanced machines for developing and test. We are specialized in researching and producing varieties of middle-to high grade synthetic leather with PU, semi-PU which are used in making bags, sofa, shoes, clothing and automotive interior. 

公司2007年以来一直是宁德温州商会常务副会长单位, 先后多次荣获福鼎市纳税大户、文明单位、明星企业 等称号;2013年被评选为福建名牌产品、宁德市和谐 企业称号、诚实守信示范单位。2014年福建省质量安 全信誉联盟单位、福鼎市的明星企业。2007至2015年 以来,年销售额约2亿元。
We are honored to be “The Executive Vice-chairman of Wenzhou Commercial Club In Ningde” from the year 2007 andwe were awarded many times: such as “the big tax-payer of Fuding”, “Civilization unit, “Star Enterprise” . As well as that in the year 2013 we were chosen as “The Famous Brand of Fujian”, “Ningde Harmonious Enterprise”, “Honest and trustworthy demonstration unit”. Our company was honored “the Unit of Fujian Quality SafetyCredibility Union”, “Star Enterprise of Fuding” in 2014. From the year of 2007 to 2015, our annual sales are about 200 millions RMB.

公司秉持以品质为中心的管理理念,坚持节能减排、 清洁生产,于2011年先后通过了ISO9001管理体系认 证和清洁生产审核。下阶段公司将致力于生态型PU合 成革与高物性PU合成革的研发,拓展体育行业、服装 业、汽车制造业、装饰业等应用领域所需产品,使公 司发展再上新台阶。
Our company upholds the enterprise concept of quality as the center of production, we insist on clean manufacturing, energy-saving production. We are awarded the ISO9001 Quality Management System certification and passed cleaner production audit in 2011. In order to move forward to a higher step, our company will commit ourselves to research and develop ecological PU and high physical properties PU, as well asnew products insporting goods,clothing, car manufacturing, upholstery and so on.

We sincerely welcome new and old customers to come to discuss cooperation.
公司名称: 福建华夏合成革有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 福建省/宁德市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2005
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 塑料人造革、合成革制造;塑料人造革、合成革销售;纺织品、针织品及原料批发;服装批发;鞋帽批发;工程塑料及合成树脂销售;对外贸易。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
制造业 / 纺织品/服装/劳保用品/户外用品
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